Battery Days

The Dutch battery ecosystem is joining forces on research and development into next-generation batteries containing less critical raw materials such as nickel or cobalt. Ultimately, the aim is to gain a strong Dutch and European position. During the Battery Days on 9 and 10 November, we will show examples of our cooperation with Germany.

9 November 2023 – Enschede
The Battery Day on the 9th of November takes place at the UT in Enschede and has as its theme German-Dutch cooperation on education, research, and developments in the next generation of batteries. Besides Dutch speakers, several German scientists, knowledge institutions, and companies (including MEET, FFB, University of Münster, and KLIB) will be present.

10 November 2023 – Münster
A morning has been organized on the 10th of November where interested parties from the Netherlands can visit the MEET Battery Research Center and the so-called PreFab, the first pilot plant for battery cell production of the Fraunhofer Research Institute for Battery Cell Production (FFB) in Münster.

You can register via this link!

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