Guide for a materials passport
This document specifies the conditions for a comprehensive materials passport. The guideline aims to provide clarity, transparency, and encouragement for supplying ‘minimally required circular information.’ The goal is to gain insights into the circularity of a product/service based on circular data, facilitating the transition to a circular economy. The guideline for its content consists of minimally required circular data, categorized into three sections: Material Consumption, Environmental Impact, and Value Retention. These data are essential for determining the circularity of a product, which is also beneficial for the producer.
In addition to outlining the minimally required circular data, this document includes a list of other prerequisites that a materials passport must meet.
Other relevant publications
Report collection for reuse at recycling centers
This report analyzes pilot projects in the municipalities of Amersfoort and Zwolle aimed at promoting the reuse of electrical appliances through recycling centers.
Program of requirements for circular climate installations
The program of requirements for circular climate installations has been developed for housing associations and their partners to reduce the environmental impact of building-related installations.
Circular luminaires in public spaces
This report provides a practical roadmap towards a circular future for luminaires in public spaces.