E-waste in household residual waste

Every year, Eureco makes an inventory for Stichting OPEN of the amount and the different types of e-waste in residual waste. This report focuses on e-waste that ends up in residual waste, removable batteries that end up in residual waste via e-waste, vapes in residual waste and the effect of municipal waste policy on e-waste in residual waste.

A percentage of 0.84% ​​e-waste was measured in household residual waste in 2023. This means that an average of 1.18 kilos of e-waste per resident per year is discarded in residual waste. In addition, it has been estimated that approximately 8 removable batteries end up in residual waste per ton of residual waste. The number of vapes was also examined for 2023. An average of 1 vape was found per ton of residual waste. This means that 2,500,000 vapes will have been disposed of with residual waste in 2023.

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Keywords: WEEE

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