
60 research articles in 'Report'

E-waste in household residual waste

Inventory of the quantity and different types of e-waste in residual waste for 2023

The global e-waste monitor 2024

The global e-waste monitor is the most up-to-date overview of global e-waste data, statistics and progress in policy and regulation.

E-waste in the Metropoolregio Amsterdam

An exploration of the e-waste chain and future logistics scenarios

Critical raw materials in the Dutch Province of Zuid-Holland

The opportunities for the province of Zuid Holland to play a greater role in mineral supply chains

E-waste in the United Kingdom

This report describes how electrical appliances are used and disposed of in the UK.

Exploration of the obligation to sell used goods

Research into the possibility of requiring retailers to offer an increasing share of second-hand products

Benchmark municipalities

Benchmark with a ranking of all Dutch municipalities based on the number of kilograms of electrical waste collected per person

Monitoring of circularity strategies

Report with principles, backgrounds, applications and examples of circularity strategies and the R-ladder

Impact assessment National Circular Economy Programme

Evaluation and effects of the national policy from the National Circular Economy Programme 2023-2030

National (W)EEE Register report 2022

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2021

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2020

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2019

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

National (W)EEE Register report

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

Circular Cities Declaration Report 2024

Report with analyses and an overview of the strategies and actions of circular initiatives in European cities.

Recycling of solar panels

RIVM has detailed four options for recycling the glass, solar cells and back sheets of solar panels.

Accelerating the circular economy in Europe

This report gives a comprehensive analysis of how the EU is doing in the transition to a more circular economy

The Landscape of Circular Electronics Towards 2035

An overview of various developments that will likely influence the landscape in which circular electronics will be embedded by 2035

Reuse by consumers in the Netherlands

This report describes how the number of pieces and mass reuse by consumers was determined for the years 2021 and 2022.

Dutch Battery Flows Monitor 2020

This report delivers a baseline study for the portable battery waste flows for the year 2019

Exploration batteries circularity

This exploration aims to answer the following question: Is there a need for additional measures to support the circularity of the Dutch battery chain, and if so, what are they and what is their intended purpose?

Ownership and disposal of electrical appliances in larger companies

This study is about how many electrical appliances there are in larger companies and institutions and how many have been discarded.

The Dutch WEEE Flows 2012

The aim of this research is to provide a factual basis for the WEEE recast collection target definition in the Netherlands and to provide a more detailed and complete quantitative assessment of the WEEE flows

Sales, use, and discarded electronic and electrical equipment.

Data on sales, use, and discarded EEE from 1995-2022 from the Environmental Data Compendium

Repair and refurbishment of electrical and electronic equipment

This study looked at how many electrical and electronic devices are repaired and refurbished.

Evaluation return premium refrigerating and freezing equipment

This report includes the principles, achieved results, conclusions, and recommendations of refrigerating and freezing equipment return premium initiative by Stichting OPEN.

From throw-away society to sustainable, circular production and consumption

In this advisory, The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) explores ways to reverse the throwaway trend in our economy.

Sustainability Sector Index 2023: Concerns about greenwashing

The Sustainability Sector Index 2023: Kantar's global research into consumer sustainability concerns and behavior.

Monitor Sustainable Living 2023

Monitoring sustainable choices and the openness of the Netherlands to sustainable behavior

Integration of sustainability at retailers/producers

Needs, opportunities and problems when integrating sustainability into retailers' offerings

Stibat Annual Report 2022

This report contains all important figures regarding the collection of batteries in the Netherlands on behalf of the Batteries Foundation

Slow transition to a circular economy in the EU

De Europese Rekenkamer schrijft in dit rapport dat EU-maatregelen voor een circulaire economie niet doeltreffend genoeg zijn geweest omdat EU-financiering vooral is gebruikt voor afvalbeheer

Monitor Kringloop Nederland 2022

De Monitor Kringloop Nederland brengt cijfers uit de kringloopbranche in kaart met een focus op circulaire, inclusieve en financiële impact

Verbeterd monitoringskader voor de circulaire economie

Eurostat heeft monitoringskader voor de circulaire economie in de EU herzien, verbeterd en opnieuw gepubliceerd

ILT-rapport over inzameling en verwerking AEEA

De ILT doet onderzoek naar het stelsel van vergunningverlening, toezicht en handhaving op het gebied van e-waste in Nederland

Hoe ‘circulair’ zijn Nederlandse consumenten?

Hoe 'circulair' Nederlandse consumenten zich nu gedragen, in hoeverre zij bereid zijn daarin te groeien en de potentiële milieuwinst van circulair consumeren

De voordelen van duurzamere elektronica

Hoe maatregelen zoals eco-design en uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid kunnen helpen om de levensduur van apparaten te verlengen en de impact op het milieu te verminderen

Kinderen en digitale stortplaatsen

De World Health Organization (WHO) rapporteert over de impact van informele stortplaatsen voor e-waste, op de gezondheid en ontwikkeling van kinderen en jonge vrouwen

Beoordeling repareerbaarheid van elektrische en elektronische apparaten

Ontwikkeling van een beoordelingssysteem voor de repareerbaarheid van apparaten op basis van sleutelindicatoren om efficiënter gebruik van materiaal te stimuleren

Competitieve productie van zonne-energie in Europa

Europese bedrijven een werken naar een concurrentiepositie toe in de wereldwijde toeleveringsketen van zonne-energie om zo de energietransitie te versnellen

Gedragsanalyse huishoudelijk afval

Inzicht in het hele proces dat een bewoner doorloopt bij het scheiden van afval, de ‘customer journey’

Recycling van kritische grondstoffen in de toekomst

Het eindrapport van het CEWASTE-project dat apparatuur uitzoekt die hoge concentraties kritieke grondstoffen bevatten en nagaat of de terugwinning van kritieke grondstoffen uit die producten haalbaar is met de huidige technologieën.

Beleidspraktijken voor e-waste management

Een toolkit voor beleidsmakers met eerlijke, inclusieve en economisch haalbare beleidspraktijken om uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid te bevorderen

De Wereldwijde E-waste Stromen Monitor 2022

Een rapport over de (verwachte) groottes van e-waste afvalstromen en verschillende factoren die leiden tot groei

Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage 2023

De Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage (ICER 2023) schetst de voortgang van de transitie naar een circulaire economie in Nederland

Afvalstatistieken – AEEA ingezameld in de EU in 2020

Statistieken over afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur ingezameld in de EU in 2020

Spatial effects of the circular economy

A spatial exploration of the consequences of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands for five cases

Old phones, laptops and tablets disappear into a drawer or box in the attic

Report on what happens to Dutch mobile phones, laptops and tablets when they reach the end of their lifespan

The circularity gap report: the Netherlands

What the gap is between total circularity and current circularity in the Netherlands and how it can be closed

Gaining insight into Substances of Very High Concern in a circular economy

Insight into substances of very high concern in the circular economy, how they can be monitored and processed safely

Reuse: the understudied circular economy strategy

The amount of 'reuse' in Flanders, its impact and the barriers and opportunities for reuse

Returns in e-commerce

Market research into the returns challenge in e-commerce and how receptive online retailers are to possible government interventions

Evaluatie van de EU Richtlijn AEEA

Bepalen of de Richtlijn AEEA 2012 voldoende actueel is om de milieudoelstellingen te behalen

Progress Report Circular Economy 2022

This Circular Economy Progress Report 2022 provides an update on the progress of the transition to a circular economy as a supplement to the ICER

Integral Circular Economy Report 2021

This first Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER 2021) outlines the progress of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands

Solar power supply chain in the Netherlands

Exploration of the size of solar panels on the Dutch market.

Monitoring Export for Reuse in the Netherlands

An overview of the methods and quantities of export for reuse in the Netherlands

AVV Monitoring report 2021

A report on all discarded electrical and electronic equipment in the Netherlands in 2021, by Stichting OPEN

Avoided CO2 emissions through e-waste processing in 2020

A calculation of the avoided greenhouse gas emissions through the processing of e-waste in 2020 and a comparison with previous years

Towards a safe circular economy

This report describes how a circular economy can be pursued in a safe way.

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Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!

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