E-waste in the United Kingdom

Producer responsibility

Producer responsibility is central to the publications under this theme. These publications are about the role that producers play in managing their waste responsibly.

65 research articles in 'Producer responsibility'

E-waste in the United Kingdom

This report describes how electrical appliances are used and disposed of in the UK.

National (W)EEE Register report 2022

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2021

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2020

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2019

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

National (W)EEE Register report

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for portable batteries

Notification of the universally binding declaration for the waste management fee for portable batteries valid from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2028

From throw-away society to sustainable, circular production and consumption

In this advisory, The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) explores ways to reverse the throwaway trend in our economy.

Reshaping EPR

Identifies the actions needed to improve the tool of EPR, making it a game changer for circular economy goals. 

E-waste from solar panels in a circular economy

Circular challenges and obstacles but also potential for e-waste from solar panels based on research from Brazil

European Batteries Regulation 2023

The new European Battery Regulation relates to the availability of European raw materials, (economic) circularity and the sustainability of the entire battery value chain

Universal charger in the EU

The EU wants to promote the use of universal chargers for mobile phones and other portable electronic devices

Do solar panels fit within the WEEE directive?

Position paper in which PV CYCLE argues why solar panels should be excluded from the WEEE directive

Integration of sustainability at retailers/producers

Needs, opportunities and problems when integrating sustainability into retailers' offerings

Stibat Annual Report 2022

This report contains all important figures regarding the collection of batteries in the Netherlands on behalf of the Batteries Foundation

Transition paths for Extended Producer Responsibility

The main strengths and limitations of how Extended Producer Responsibility (UPV) is organized in the Netherlands

The producer’s perspective on e-waste management

Insights into the barriers and factors that hinder or facilitate producers in managing their electronic waste

Battery 2030: Resilient, sustainable, and circular

The demand for batteries is growing, and with it the need for better solutions in the value chain

ILT-rapport over inzameling en verwerking AEEA

De ILT doet onderzoek naar het stelsel van vergunningverlening, toezicht en handhaving op het gebied van e-waste in Nederland

Het verminderen van de impact van onrechtvaardige e-waste verwerking

Huidige en opkomende trends en bedreigingen van zowel informele als formele e-afvalbeheerpraktijken en eventuele maatregelen en interventies

De voordelen van duurzamere elektronica

Hoe maatregelen zoals eco-design en uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid kunnen helpen om de levensduur van apparaten te verlengen en de impact op het milieu te verminderen

Urban Mining naar een duurzame toekomst en circulaire economie

Position paper die een beoordeling biedt van de huidge wereldwijde e-waste management systeem, daar aanbevelingen voor doet en eventuele kansen belicht

Gids voor het duurzaam beheren van AEEA in de context van opkomende economieën

De belangrijkste factoren voor het verschaffen van duurzaam AEEA-beheer in opkomende economieën mede uit perspectief van meerdere stakeholders

Recycling van kritische grondstoffen in de toekomst

Het eindrapport van het CEWASTE-project dat apparatuur uitzoekt die hoge concentraties kritieke grondstoffen bevatten en nagaat of de terugwinning van kritieke grondstoffen uit die producten haalbaar is met de huidige technologieën.

Nationaal Programma Circulaire Economie 2023-2030 (NPCE)

Het NPCE geeft invulling aan de manieren waarop Nederland een circulaire economie wil realiseren tussen 2023 en 2030

Beleidspraktijken voor e-waste management

Een toolkit voor beleidsmakers met eerlijke, inclusieve en economisch haalbare beleidspraktijken om uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid te bevorderen

Wereldwijde en aanvullende acties voor UPV bij elektronica

Hoe aanvullende acties het huidige UPV-systeem kunnen ondersteunen bij het inzamelen van meer e-waste en suggesties voor zulke acties

Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage 2023

De Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage (ICER 2023) schetst de voortgang van de transitie naar een circulaire economie in Nederland

Freeriding bij het beheer fotovoltaïsche panelen (zonnepanelen)

Onderzoek naar freeriding-praktijken aanwezig bij het beheer van fotovoltaïsche panelen

Verordening ecologisch ontwerp voor huishoudelijke afwasmachines (vaatwassers)

Door de EU vastgestelde eisen voor het ecologisch ontwerpen van afwasmachines (vaatwassers)

Verordening ecologisch ontwerp voor huishoudelijke was- droogmachines

Door de EU vastgestelde eisen voor het ecologisch ontwerpen van was- en droogmachines

Verhinderingen die kunnen leiden tot systeem lock-ins bij e-waste management

Beschrijving van verschillende factoren die problemen veroorzaken in systemen van e-waste management

Regulation on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment

Overview of the rules aimed at restricting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment

EPR: role and responsibilities of municipalities and collection organizations

Rights and responsibilities of municipalities and their public collection organizations on the one hand and producers/importers on the other hand when implementing the EPR

Environmental impact and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals from e-waste

Assessment of the environmental impacts and health risks of potentially toxic metals from different activities related to e-waste processing

Study on the implementation of product design requirements

How product design requirements are implemented in the EU based on the reusability of printer cartridges

Ultimate producer responsibility for e-waste management

Research into the adverse effects of exporting European used electronics and e-waste to Nigeria

Returns in e-commerce

Market research into the returns challenge in e-commerce and how receptive online retailers are to possible government interventions

Evaluatie van de EU Richtlijn AEEA

Bepalen of de Richtlijn AEEA 2012 voldoende actueel is om de milieudoelstellingen te behalen

Ecodesign and energy labelling working plan 2022-2024

Working plan to help EU Member States prepare for the upcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Action monitoring circular economy 2022

An overview of the actions taken by the government and partners of the raw materials agreement for the transition to a circular economy

Directive hazardous substances in EEE 2011

This Directive lays down rules on the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)

Directive ecodesign requirements for energy-related products 2009

This directive introduced by the European Union sets ecodesign requirements for energy-related products

Recommendations for tackling fires caused by lithium batteries in WEEE

Research and recommendations for the prevention of fires caused by batteries and WEEE containing batteries

Progress Report Circular Economy 2022

This Circular Economy Progress Report 2022 provides an update on the progress of the transition to a circular economy as a supplement to the ICER

Integral Circular Economy Report 2021

This first Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER 2021) outlines the progress of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands

Guidelines on the scope of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation

Tool for the implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation

Universally binding declaration for waste management contribution for WEEE

Notification of the universally binding declaration on the waste management contribution for WEEE

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for lamps

Notification of the universally binding declaration for waste management fee for lamps

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for portable batteries 2018

Notification of the universally binding declaration for the waste management fee for portable batteries

Frequently Asked Questions on the WEEE Directive 2012

This document is intended to help competent public authorities and economic operators interpret the provisions of the WEEE Directive

Decree on extended producer responsibility regulations 2020

This decision contains rules for an extended producer responsibility regulation for the management of waste materials

Circular Economy Implementation Programme 2021-2023

This update gives an overview of circular economy developments and new activities that are being launched

Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods

The Consumer Goods Transition Agenda has been drawn up to realize a circular economy in the Netherlands in the future

AVV Monitoring report 2021

A report on all discarded electrical and electronic equipment in the Netherlands in 2021, by Stichting OPEN

Transition Plan for Electrical Household Appliances

This transition plan creates a concrete plan based on various themes to achieve a fully circular industry for electrical household appliances

Collecting as a challenge

Research into the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing WEEE implementation toolkit and identifying potential shortcomings.

Regulation Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

The WEEE Regulation is the Dutch implementation of the WEEE Directive.

WEEE Directive

The WEEE Directive is the European directive that regulates the collection and recycling of Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

Climbing the R-ladder with EPR

This study makes three recommendations to transform the current inhibiting conditions into the right incentives for EPR systems

Submit your publication to the knowledge platform

Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!

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*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.
