The case for an EU Circular Material Use Act

Ahead of the 2024 European elections, FEAD, the European Waste Management Association, has published its manifesto, calling for circular resources for a European Industrial Deal and proposing the establishment of a Circular Material Use Act.

The manifesto serves as a call to action for the next term of European Institutions. It emphasises the need to prioritise a European Industrial Deal that makes Europe’s industry sustainable, competitive, and circular.

Furthermore, it highlights the need for a Circular Material Use Act (CMUA) to enact comprehensive policies encompassing waste management and the transformation of waste materials into productive resources for industrial production.

The CMUA should establish two legally binding targets:

  • A Circular Material Use Rate target of 25% by 2030, 30% by 2040, and 35% by 2050.
  • A target of 75% for the recycling of all waste materials in the EU by 2035.

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