Evaluation return premium refrigerating and freezing equipment

To promote extra energy-efficient refrigerating and freezing equipment and ensure the correct disposal of old refrigerators and freezers, Stichting OPEN conducted a one-time nationwide collection campaign for refrigerating and freezing equipment in 2022. This was done in collaboration with united retail organizations and Urgenda. The return premium for the returned old refrigerator or freezer was at least 35 euros.

To promote more circularity and proper disposal of discarded appliances, reward systems are often mentioned as a way to encourage the desired behavior. The return initiative was developed to simultaneously achieve two effects through an additional reward (return premium):

  1. Promoting the sale of extra energy-efficient refrigerating and freezing equipment in favor of less energy-efficient refrigerating and freezing equipment.
  2. The proper disposal of old refrigerators and freezers by offering these devices through a closed collection system to a CENELEC-certified processor for refrigerators and freezers.

In addition to outlining the principles and achieved results of the refrigerating and freezing equipment return premium initiative, this evaluation report also provides conclusions and recommendations for future initiatives.

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