Raw materials

5 research articles in 'Raw materials'

Is recovering Neodymium from speaker cabinets meaningful?

Research into the extent to which high-quality magnets with Neodymium occur in discarded speakers and whether recovery is meaningful

Critical raw materials in the Dutch Province of Zuid-Holland

The opportunities for the province of Zuid Holland to play a greater role in mineral supply chains


FutuRaM will develop the Secondary Raw Materials knowledge base on the availability and recoverability of secondary raw materials (2RMs) within the European Union

Integral Circular Economy Report 2021

This first Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER 2021) outlines the progress of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands

Raw materials agreement

An agreement drawn up to develop transition agendas that should accelerate the transition to a circular economy

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Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!

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*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.
