Policy and objectives

6 research articles in 'Policy and objectives'

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for portable batteries

Notification of the universally binding declaration for the waste management fee for portable batteries valid from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2028

Joint Position on the Revision of WEEE Directive

Joint position of European environmental organisations on a swift revision of the WEEE Directive.

Universal charger in the EU

The EU wants to promote the use of universal chargers for mobile phones and other portable electronic devices

Do solar panels fit within the WEEE directive?

Position paper in which PV CYCLE argues why solar panels should be excluded from the WEEE directive

EU policy recommendations for increased collection of WEEE

Policy recommendations from the EU for European governments to collect more WEEE

Stibat Annual Report 2022

This report contains all important figures regarding the collection of batteries in the Netherlands on behalf of the Batteries Foundation

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