6 research articles in 'WEEE'

Universally binding declaration for waste management contribution for WEEE

Notification of the universally binding declaration on the waste management contribution for WEEE

Flowchart of WEEE and Cenelec

Tool to determine whether a (waste) electrical or electronic device must be processed according to Cenelec.

In-depth review of the WEEE Collection Rates and Targets

A measurement of WEEE collection targets, WEEE flows and the impact of the national application of WEEE legislation

Research on the disposal behaviour of consumers regarding electrical appliances.

This research focuses on how and where Dutch consumers prefer to discard their various types of electrical appliances.

AVV Monitoring report 2021

A report on all discarded electrical and electronic equipment in the Netherlands in 2021, by Stichting OPEN

Avoided CO2 emissions through e-waste processing in 2020

A calculation of the avoided greenhouse gas emissions through the processing of e-waste in 2020 and a comparison with previous years

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Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge center!

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*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.
