Implementatie van de circulaire economie in de elektronica sector

Circular Economy

Under this theme you will find all publications about the 'circular economy'. This is an economic system in which the value of products and raw materials is preserved for as long as possible.

159 research articles in 'Circular Economy'

Implementatie van de circulaire economie in de elektronica sector

Wat de barrières zijn voor circulaire bedrijfsmodellen en welke factoren deze modellen wel mogelijk maken

Onderzoek naar typen consumenten en hun voorkeuren voor E-waste recycling

Hoe economische prikkel in de vorm van een puntensysteem consumenten milieubewuster kan maken bij het weggooien van hun e-waste

Op weg naar circulair beheer van e-waste: hoe kan digitalisering helpen?

Wat digitalisering kan bijdragen aan het verduurzamen en optimaliseren van AEEA-afvalbeheer

Internet Afval

Position paper over de impact van internet gerelateerde e-waste en factoren die deze afvalstroom doen vergroten

Update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen

Een update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen, aangevuld met nieuwe statistieken over ‘hamsteren’

Freeriding bij het beheer fotovoltaïsche panelen (zonnepanelen)

Onderzoek naar freeriding-praktijken aanwezig bij het beheer van fotovoltaïsche panelen

Veilig ontworpen. Veilig te repareren.

Veiligheidsrisico’s bij zelf uitgevoerde reparaties van elektrische en elektronische apparaten

Verordening ecologisch ontwerp voor huishoudelijke afwasmachines (vaatwassers)

Door de EU vastgestelde eisen voor het ecologisch ontwerpen van afwasmachines (vaatwassers)

Verordening ecologisch ontwerp voor huishoudelijke was- droogmachines

Door de EU vastgestelde eisen voor het ecologisch ontwerpen van was- en droogmachines

Raken de metalen voor onze smartphones op?

Informatie over en oplossingen voor de oprakende zeldzame metalen nodig voor de productie van smartphones en andere elektronica

Effecten van circulaire maatregelen op schaarse metalen in complexe producten

Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van huidige circulaire maatregelen op metaalschaarste

Veilige en duurzame zonnepanelen

In deze verkenning heeft het RIVM onderzocht wat mogelijke ongewenste bijeffecten van zonnepanelen kunnen zijn

Verhinderingen die kunnen leiden tot systeem lock-ins bij e-waste management

Beschrijving van verschillende factoren die problemen veroorzaken in systemen van e-waste management

Selectieve goudterugwinning via poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan

Poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan heeft de potentie om bij te dragen aan duurzame goudterugwinning voor elektrische en elektronische apparaten

Het vergroten van het aanbod betaalbare computers

Het dichten van de digitale kloof door het aanbod van betaalbare computers te vergroten aan de hand van beleidsmaatregelen

Balancing costs and revenues for recycling end-of-life PV panels

What the current solar panel recycling process looks like, and whether this is a sustainable practice in the future

Electronic waste recycling after floods in Jakarta and New Orleans

The potential benefits of recovering and recycling e-waste after floods, based on Jakarta and New Orleans

Spatial effects of the circular economy

A spatial exploration of the consequences of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands for five cases

Efficiency improvement and technology choice for energy and emission reductions of the residential sector

How the CO2 emissions of the residential sector can eventually reduce due to improved efficiency and technology

Potential effects of Dutch circular economy strategies on West Africa

The potential positive and negative effects of Dutch measures for a circular economy in low- and middle-income countries

Design for safe repair in a circular economy

Design choices that lead to safely repairable household appliances and contribute to a circular economy

Environmental impact and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals from e-waste

Assessment of the environmental impacts and health risks of potentially toxic metals from different activities related to e-waste processing

The circularity gap report: the Netherlands

What the gap is between total circularity and current circularity in the Netherlands and how it can be closed

Gaining insight into Substances of Very High Concern in a circular economy

Insight into substances of very high concern in the circular economy, how they can be monitored and processed safely

Assessment of minor metal recyclability

The extent to which small metals are recyclable and how this can be expanded

Study on the implementation of product design requirements

How product design requirements are implemented in the EU based on the reusability of printer cartridges

Exploring the sustainability challenges facing digitalization and internet data centers

The environmental impact of internet data centers, analyzed using carbon, water and landscape footprints

Solar electric cooking in Africa

Analysis of the possibilities for a transition to electric cooking on solar energy in Africa

Ultimate producer responsibility for e-waste management

Research into the adverse effects of exporting European used electronics and e-waste to Nigeria

Reuse: the understudied circular economy strategy

The amount of 'reuse' in Flanders, its impact and the barriers and opportunities for reuse

Disentangling the worldwide web of e-waste

Mapping the global ecological impact of e-waste and possible measures that can be taken

Returns in e-commerce

Market research into the returns challenge in e-commerce and how receptive online retailers are to possible government interventions

Evaluatie van de EU Richtlijn AEEA

Bepalen of de Richtlijn AEEA 2012 voldoende actueel is om de milieudoelstellingen te behalen

BKN thrift industry 2021

Research into the social and ecological impact of the thrift industry in 2021

Ecodesign and energy labelling working plan 2022-2024

Working plan to help EU Member States prepare for the upcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Action monitoring circular economy 2022

An overview of the actions taken by the government and partners of the raw materials agreement for the transition to a circular economy

Directive ecodesign requirements for energy-related products 2009

This directive introduced by the European Union sets ecodesign requirements for energy-related products

Roadmap for a circular photovoltaic industry

This roadmap describes the research and activities that will be carried out to achieve a circular industry for solar panels in the Netherlands.

Progress Report Circular Economy 2022

This Circular Economy Progress Report 2022 provides an update on the progress of the transition to a circular economy as a supplement to the ICER

Integral Circular Economy Report 2021

This first Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER 2021) outlines the progress of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands

ADR and collection of small equipment in modified IBCs

Wecycle has conducted research into a safer way to store and transport small appliances and ICT equipment.

Solar power supply chain in the Netherlands

Exploration of the size of solar panels on the Dutch market.

Raw materials agreement

An agreement drawn up to develop transition agendas that should accelerate the transition to a circular economy

Circular Economy Implementation Programme 2021-2023

This update gives an overview of circular economy developments and new activities that are being launched

Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods

The Consumer Goods Transition Agenda has been drawn up to realize a circular economy in the Netherlands in the future

The European green deal

The European Green Deal for the European Union and its citizens resets the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges that is this generation’s defining task

Recycling centres and the circular economy

How to increase the position and contribution of recycling centres to the transition to a circular economy

Monitoring Export for Reuse in the Netherlands

An overview of the methods and quantities of export for reuse in the Netherlands

Exploration Dutch repair infrastructure

A study of the current repair infrastructure in the Netherlands and how it can be improved

Recycling centre of the future

How today's recycling centres can be adapted to fit into tomorrow's circular economy

Research on the disposal behaviour of consumers regarding electrical appliances.

This research focuses on how and where Dutch consumers prefer to discard their various types of electrical appliances.

Avoided CO2 emissions through e-waste processing in 2020

A calculation of the avoided greenhouse gas emissions through the processing of e-waste in 2020 and a comparison with previous years

Towards a safe circular economy

This report describes how a circular economy can be pursued in a safe way.

Transition Plan for Electrical Household Appliances

This transition plan creates a concrete plan based on various themes to achieve a fully circular industry for electrical household appliances

The Global E-waste Monitor 2020

The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 makes the e-waste challenge accessible to the public and discusses how to create a circular economy and a sustainable society

Climbing the R-ladder with EPR

This study makes three recommendations to transform the current inhibiting conditions into the right incentives for EPR systems

Submit your publication to the knowledge platform

Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!

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*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.
