Life extension
Life extension plays an important role in the publications you will find under this theme. Life extension refers to actively extending the life of products and raw materials.
85 research articles in 'Life extension'
Re-use of soundbars
How feasible is it to give soundbars a second life? Commissioned by Stichting OPEN, Second Use investigated the re-use potential of four soundbar models, revealing insights into repairability, consumer interest, and key barriers.
Re-use of cordless vacuum cleaners
The re-use of cordless vacuum cleaners presents interesting opportunities, but battery replacement costs pose a significant challenge. This study, conducted by Second Use on behalf of Stichting OPEN, examines the feasibility of refurbishment and identifies key improvements to extend the lifespan of these appliances.
Potential for reuse coffee machines
Research into the possibilities for reusing coffee machines. This study examined ease of assembly and disassembly, the technical properties of components, costs, and market potential.
Report collection for reuse at recycling centers
This report analyzes pilot projects in the municipalities of Amersfoort and Zwolle aimed at promoting the reuse of electrical appliances through recycling centers.
The global e-waste monitor 2024
The global e-waste monitor is the most up-to-date overview of global e-waste data, statistics and progress in policy and regulation.
E-waste in the Metropoolregio Amsterdam
An exploration of the e-waste chain and future logistics scenarios
Extending the lifespan of vacuum cleaners through thrift stores
A research and design project to professionalize the collection and repair of discarded vacuum cleaners.
Are discarded kettles suitable for reuse?
This study examined whether kettles that would normally be recycled are suitable for reuse in the thrift store.
Exploration of the obligation to sell used goods
Research into the possibility of requiring retailers to offer an increasing share of second-hand products
Monitoring of circularity strategies
Report with principles, backgrounds, applications and examples of circularity strategies and the R-ladder
Impact assessment National Circular Economy Programme
Evaluation and effects of the national policy from the National Circular Economy Programme 2023-2030
Environmental analysis of end-of-life scenarios for decommissioned PV modules
A study and environmental analysis of the different scenarios for decommissioned solar panels.
Reuse by consumers in the Netherlands
This report describes how the number of pieces and mass reuse by consumers was determined for the years 2021 and 2022.
Repair and refurbishment of electrical and electronic equipment
This study looked at how many electrical and electronic devices are repaired and refurbished.
From right to repair to willingness to repair
This study looks at what prevents consumers from repairing their products.
From throw-away society to sustainable, circular production and consumption
In this advisory, The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) explores ways to reverse the throwaway trend in our economy.
Circular Batteries Charging the Future
The brochure explores the current status and future potential for circularity across the battery value chain in the Netherlands and beyond.
Repair in the circular economy
This white paper is a collection of interviews with scientists from Leiden University, TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
European Batteries Regulation 2023
The new European Battery Regulation relates to the availability of European raw materials, (economic) circularity and the sustainability of the entire battery value chain
Universal charger in the EU
The EU wants to promote the use of universal chargers for mobile phones and other portable electronic devices
Behavioural Roadmap to Circular Consumption
Transforming consumption and production systems to significantly reduce material footprint
Circular production of laptops and telephones
How the transition to a circular chain for everyday products such as laptops and telephones in the Netherlands currently stands
Transition to a circular car battery chain
An evaluation of the progress of the transition to a circular economy focused on the 'car batteries' within the mobility sector
Transition paths for Extended Producer Responsibility
The main strengths and limitations of how Extended Producer Responsibility (UPV) is organized in the Netherlands
Costs of raw material extraction from WEEE
How thermodynamic rarity can provide new insights into raw material extraction from discarded electronics
Breakthrough in Recyclable Electronics: Water Soluble Printed Circuit Boards
Breakthrough in sustainable electronics through discovery of water-soluble PCB
Circular economy strategies as enablers for solar PV adoption
Circular strategies and business models for solar panels can promote sustainable investments and reduce the looming waste problem
Highly efficient and selective gold mining with graphene oxide
The research describes a method for sustainable gold extraction from e-waste, with high efficiency and selectivity at low concentrations
Battery 2030: Resilient, sustainable, and circular
The demand for batteries is growing, and with it the need for better solutions in the value chain
Monitor Kringloop Nederland 2022
De Monitor Kringloop Nederland brengt cijfers uit de kringloopbranche in kaart met een focus op circulaire, inclusieve en financiële impact
Op weg naar circulaire vermogenselektronica
Hoe het verbeteren van een modulair ontwerp kan bijdragen aan een snellere transitie naar een circulaire economie
Terugwinning van goud uit e-waste met behulp van vrijstaande nanopapers
Urban mining met behulp van een geavanceerde recyclingtechnologie om de terugwinning van goud te bevorderen
Hoe ‘circulair’ zijn Nederlandse consumenten?
Hoe 'circulair' Nederlandse consumenten zich nu gedragen, in hoeverre zij bereid zijn daarin te groeien en de potentiële milieuwinst van circulair consumeren
Reflectie op het NPCE 2023-2030
In deze notitie reflecteert het PBL op de betekenis van het Nationaal Programma Circulaire Economie 2023-2030 (NPCE) voor de ambitie van het kabinet om in 2050 volledig circulair te zijn
De voordelen van duurzamere elektronica
Hoe maatregelen zoals eco-design en uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid kunnen helpen om de levensduur van apparaten te verlengen en de impact op het milieu te verminderen
‘Right to repair’
Briefing met voornemens vanuit de EU om via 'recht op reparatie' reparatiemogelijkheden voor apparaten uit te breiden en aantrekkelijker te maken voor consument en producent
Beoordeling repareerbaarheid van elektrische en elektronische apparaten
Ontwikkeling van een beoordelingssysteem voor de repareerbaarheid van apparaten op basis van sleutelindicatoren om efficiënter gebruik van materiaal te stimuleren
Gedragsstrategie burgers en circulaire economie
Langetermijnstrategie en operationele aanpak voor circulair gedrag van burgers ten behoeve van de realisatie van Nederland Circulair in 2050
Gebruik en reparatie van wasmachines
Onderzoek onder Nederlanders naar het consumentengedrag bij de aanschaf, het gebruik en het repareren van wasmachines
Een nieuwe circulaire visie voor elektronica
Position paper die kansen en uitdagingen omtrent e-waste uitwerkt en deze analyses gebruikt om een nieuwe circulaire visie voor elektronica voor te stellen
Nationaal Programma Circulaire Economie 2023-2030 (NPCE)
Het NPCE geeft invulling aan de manieren waarop Nederland een circulaire economie wil realiseren tussen 2023 en 2030
Chinees potentieel voor het verminderen van de vraag naar primair koper
Hoe de “zero waste”-strategieën van China kunnen leiden tot verminderde vraag en gebruik van primair koper en de bijkomende milieueffecten
De Wereldwijde E-waste Stromen Monitor 2022
Een rapport over de (verwachte) groottes van e-waste afvalstromen en verschillende factoren die leiden tot groei
Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage 2023
De Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage (ICER 2023) schetst de voortgang van de transitie naar een circulaire economie in Nederland
Implementatie van de circulaire economie in de elektronica sector
Wat de barrières zijn voor circulaire bedrijfsmodellen en welke factoren deze modellen wel mogelijk maken
Op weg naar circulair beheer van e-waste: hoe kan digitalisering helpen?
Wat digitalisering kan bijdragen aan het verduurzamen en optimaliseren van AEEA-afvalbeheer
Update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen
Een update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen, aangevuld met nieuwe statistieken over ‘hamsteren’
Freeriding bij het beheer fotovoltaïsche panelen (zonnepanelen)
Onderzoek naar freeriding-praktijken aanwezig bij het beheer van fotovoltaïsche panelen
Veilig ontworpen. Veilig te repareren.
Veiligheidsrisico’s bij zelf uitgevoerde reparaties van elektrische en elektronische apparaten
Raken de metalen voor onze smartphones op?
Informatie over en oplossingen voor de oprakende zeldzame metalen nodig voor de productie van smartphones en andere elektronica
Effecten van circulaire maatregelen op schaarse metalen in complexe producten
Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van huidige circulaire maatregelen op metaalschaarste
Veilige en duurzame zonnepanelen
In deze verkenning heeft het RIVM onderzocht wat mogelijke ongewenste bijeffecten van zonnepanelen kunnen zijn
Selectieve goudterugwinning via poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan
Poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan heeft de potentie om bij te dragen aan duurzame goudterugwinning voor elektrische en elektronische apparaten
De gevolgen van klimaatverandering voor het energiesysteem
Wat het effect is van klimaatverandering op het gebruik van hernieuwbare energiebronnen in twee verschillende scenario’s
Electronic waste recycling after floods in Jakarta and New Orleans
The potential benefits of recovering and recycling e-waste after floods, based on Jakarta and New Orleans
Spatial effects of the circular economy
A spatial exploration of the consequences of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands for five cases
Old phones, laptops and tablets disappear into a drawer or box in the attic
Report on what happens to Dutch mobile phones, laptops and tablets when they reach the end of their lifespan
Efficiency improvement and technology choice for energy and emission reductions of the residential sector
How the CO2 emissions of the residential sector can eventually reduce due to improved efficiency and technology
Design for safe repair in a circular economy
Design choices that lead to safely repairable household appliances and contribute to a circular economy
E-waste in the ICT Sector
The large amount of e-waste generated by the ICT sector and how to deal with it worldwide
Gaining insight into Substances of Very High Concern in a circular economy
Insight into substances of very high concern in the circular economy, how they can be monitored and processed safely
Assessment of minor metal recyclability
The extent to which small metals are recyclable and how this can be expanded
Study on the implementation of product design requirements
How product design requirements are implemented in the EU based on the reusability of printer cartridges
Solar electric cooking in Africa
Analysis of the possibilities for a transition to electric cooking on solar energy in Africa
Reuse: the understudied circular economy strategy
The amount of 'reuse' in Flanders, its impact and the barriers and opportunities for reuse
Disentangling the worldwide web of e-waste
Mapping the global ecological impact of e-waste and possible measures that can be taken
Returns in e-commerce
Market research into the returns challenge in e-commerce and how receptive online retailers are to possible government interventions
Evaluatie van de EU Richtlijn AEEA
Bepalen of de Richtlijn AEEA 2012 voldoende actueel is om de milieudoelstellingen te behalen
Study on options for return schemes of small electrical and electronic equipment
Policy measures for action at the EU level to incentivise the return and take-back of small used and waste EEE
A new circular cconomy action plan
A future-oriented agenda for achieving a cleaner and more competitive Europe
BKN thrift industry 2021
Research into the social and ecological impact of the thrift industry in 2021
Amendment of the WEEE Regulation
Changes and extensions to the WEEE regulation in 2020
Roadmap for a circular photovoltaic industry
This roadmap describes the research and activities that will be carried out to achieve a circular industry for solar panels in the Netherlands.
Progress Report Circular Economy 2022
This Circular Economy Progress Report 2022 provides an update on the progress of the transition to a circular economy as a supplement to the ICER
Integral Circular Economy Report 2021
This first Integral Circular Economy Report (ICER 2021) outlines the progress of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands
ADR and collection of small equipment in modified IBCs
Wecycle has conducted research into a safer way to store and transport small appliances and ICT equipment.
Frequently Asked Questions on the WEEE Directive 2012
This document is intended to help competent public authorities and economic operators interpret the provisions of the WEEE Directive
Circular Economy Implementation Programme 2021-2023
This update gives an overview of circular economy developments and new activities that are being launched
Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods
The Consumer Goods Transition Agenda has been drawn up to realize a circular economy in the Netherlands in the future
Flowchart of WEEE and Cenelec
Tool to determine whether a (waste) electrical or electronic device must be processed according to Cenelec.
Recycling centres and the circular economy
How to increase the position and contribution of recycling centres to the transition to a circular economy
Monitoring Export for Reuse in the Netherlands
An overview of the methods and quantities of export for reuse in the Netherlands
Exploration Dutch repair infrastructure
A study of the current repair infrastructure in the Netherlands and how it can be improved
Transition Plan for Electrical Household Appliances
This transition plan creates a concrete plan based on various themes to achieve a fully circular industry for electrical household appliances
Climbing the R-ladder with EPR
This study makes three recommendations to transform the current inhibiting conditions into the right incentives for EPR systems
Submit your publication to the knowledge platform
Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!
*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.