E-waste in household residual waste


This theme concerns the publications that deal with the collection of waste electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) or, e-waste. To promote a circular economy, collecting waste is the first step.

111 research articles in 'Collection'

E-waste in household residual waste

Inventory of the quantity and different types of e-waste in residual waste for 2023

Dutch households and empty batteries

Annual survey into the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of Dutch households regarding empty batteries

Is recovering Neodymium from speaker cabinets meaningful?

Research into the extent to which high-quality magnets with Neodymium occur in discarded speakers and whether recovery is meaningful

The global e-waste monitor 2024

The global e-waste monitor is the most up-to-date overview of global e-waste data, statistics and progress in policy and regulation.

E-waste in the Metropoolregio Amsterdam

An exploration of the e-waste chain and future logistics scenarios

Extending the lifespan of vacuum cleaners through thrift stores

A research and design project to professionalize the collection and repair of discarded vacuum cleaners.

Are discarded kettles suitable for reuse?

This study examined whether kettles that would normally be recycled are suitable for reuse in the thrift store.

E-waste in the United Kingdom

This report describes how electrical appliances are used and disposed of in the UK.

Benchmark municipalities

Benchmark with a ranking of all Dutch municipalities based on the number of kilograms of electrical waste collected per person

National (W)EEE Register report 2022

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2021

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2020

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

National (W)EEE Register report 2019

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

National (W)EEE Register report

An annual report from the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management on (waste) electrical and electronic equipment

Dutch Battery Flows Monitor 2020

This report delivers a baseline study for the portable battery waste flows for the year 2019

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for portable batteries

Notification of the universally binding declaration for the waste management fee for portable batteries valid from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2028

Ownership and disposal of TVs in Dutch households

This study examined the number of TVs present in Dutch households and how many were discarded in 2017.

Ownership and disposal of electrical appliances in larger companies

This study is about how many electrical appliances there are in larger companies and institutions and how many have been discarded.

The Dutch WEEE Flows 2012

The aim of this research is to provide a factual basis for the WEEE recast collection target definition in the Netherlands and to provide a more detailed and complete quantitative assessment of the WEEE flows

Sales, use, and discarded electronic and electrical equipment.

Data on sales, use, and discarded EEE from 1995-2022 from the Environmental Data Compendium

Joint Position on the Revision of WEEE Directive

Joint position of European environmental organisations on a swift revision of the WEEE Directive.

The socioeconomic gap in e-waste

This research focuses on the socioeconomic factors influencing the amount of e-waste in 27 European Union countries between.

Evaluation return premium refrigerating and freezing equipment

This report includes the principles, achieved results, conclusions, and recommendations of refrigerating and freezing equipment return premium initiative by Stichting OPEN.

Challenges for the recycling of spent batteries

By developing policies, applying appropriate recycling technologies and researching new materials, a more effective, environmentally friendly and sustainable recycling of used batteries can be achieved.

Reshaping EPR

Identifies the actions needed to improve the tool of EPR, making it a game changer for circular economy goals. 

Limited collection and recycling problems in Europe

A comparison of different causes for the limited collection and recycling problems of e-waste in Europe

Developments, challenges and opportunities within the e-waste sector

Highlighting developments, challenges and different prospects for e-waste, discussing aspects such as collection, pre-treatment and recycling

EU policy recommendations for increased collection of WEEE

Policy recommendations from the EU for European governments to collect more WEEE

Behavioural Roadmap to Circular Consumption

Transforming consumption and production systems to significantly reduce material footprint

Stibat Annual Report 2022

This report contains all important figures regarding the collection of batteries in the Netherlands on behalf of the Batteries Foundation

Transition paths for Extended Producer Responsibility

The main strengths and limitations of how Extended Producer Responsibility (UPV) is organized in the Netherlands

E-waste management and the impact on the environment and society

What is the impact of e-waste on the environment and society, what problems are involved and what possible solutions can be

The producer’s perspective on e-waste management

Insights into the barriers and factors that hinder or facilitate producers in managing their electronic waste

Circular economy strategies as enablers for solar PV adoption

Circular strategies and business models for solar panels can promote sustainable investments and reduce the looming waste problem

Attitude and sentiment of the Dutch towards e-waste

Research into how familiar the Dutch are with e-waste, how they deal with it and why

Monitor Kringloop Nederland 2022

De Monitor Kringloop Nederland brengt cijfers uit de kringloopbranche in kaart met een focus op circulaire, inclusieve en financiële impact

Op weg naar circulaire vermogenselektronica

Hoe het verbeteren van een modulair ontwerp kan bijdragen aan een snellere transitie naar een circulaire economie

Verbeterd monitoringskader voor de circulaire economie

Eurostat heeft monitoringskader voor de circulaire economie in de EU herzien, verbeterd en opnieuw gepubliceerd

Risico’s van rook door branden van Li-ion-batterijen

Inzicht in de risico's die de rook van een brand veroorzaakt door Li-ion batterijen met zich meebrengt

ILT-rapport over inzameling en verwerking AEEA

De ILT doet onderzoek naar het stelsel van vergunningverlening, toezicht en handhaving op het gebied van e-waste in Nederland

Data over informeel e-wastebeheer: de Agbogbloshie schroothoop

Voorstel voor een methode om de hoeveelheden van informele e-wastestromen in kaart te brengen, met de Agbogbloshie schroothoop als casestudy

Bijwerkingen van de Elektronische Gezondheidszorg Revolutie: Toxic e-waste

Het belang van het betrekken van elektronisch medisch afval bij de ontwikkeling van efficiënte e-waste management praktijken

Terugwinning van goud uit e-waste met behulp van vrijstaande nanopapers

Urban mining met behulp van een geavanceerde recyclingtechnologie om de terugwinning van goud te bevorderen

Het verminderen van de impact van onrechtvaardige e-waste verwerking

Huidige en opkomende trends en bedreigingen van zowel informele als formele e-afvalbeheerpraktijken en eventuele maatregelen en interventies

Een wereldwijde blik op e-waste recycling

Een systematisch overzicht van de wereldwijde situatie van e-waste recycling, inclusief beheersmaatregelen, wetgeving en technieken

Zeldzame aardmetalen leveren met recycling in de EU

De uitdagingen en kansen bij het ontwikkelen van een toeleveringsketen voor permanente magneten die gebruik maken van zeldzame aardmetalen met behulp van recycling

Kinderen en digitale stortplaatsen

De World Health Organization (WHO) rapporteert over de impact van informele stortplaatsen voor e-waste, op de gezondheid en ontwikkeling van kinderen en jonge vrouwen

Gedragsstrategie burgers en circulaire economie

Langetermijnstrategie en operationele aanpak voor circulair gedrag van burgers ten behoeve van de realisatie van Nederland Circulair in 2050

Urban Mining naar een duurzame toekomst en circulaire economie

Position paper die een beoordeling biedt van de huidge wereldwijde e-waste management systeem, daar aanbevelingen voor doet en eventuele kansen belicht

Gedragsanalyse huishoudelijk afval

Inzicht in het hele proces dat een bewoner doorloopt bij het scheiden van afval, de ‘customer journey’

Gids voor het duurzaam beheren van AEEA in de context van opkomende economieën

De belangrijkste factoren voor het verschaffen van duurzaam AEEA-beheer in opkomende economieën mede uit perspectief van meerdere stakeholders

Een nieuwe circulaire visie voor elektronica

Position paper die kansen en uitdagingen omtrent e-waste uitwerkt en deze analyses gebruikt om een nieuwe circulaire visie voor elektronica voor te stellen

Beleidspraktijken voor e-waste management

Een toolkit voor beleidsmakers met eerlijke, inclusieve en economisch haalbare beleidspraktijken om uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid te bevorderen

Wereldwijde en aanvullende acties voor UPV bij elektronica

Hoe aanvullende acties het huidige UPV-systeem kunnen ondersteunen bij het inzamelen van meer e-waste en suggesties voor zulke acties

Chinees potentieel voor het verminderen van de vraag naar primair koper

Hoe de “zero waste”-strategieën van China kunnen leiden tot verminderde vraag en gebruik van primair koper en de bijkomende milieueffecten

De Wereldwijde E-waste Stromen Monitor 2022

Een rapport over de (verwachte) groottes van e-waste afvalstromen en verschillende factoren die leiden tot groei

Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage 2023

De Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage (ICER 2023) schetst de voortgang van de transitie naar een circulaire economie in Nederland

Implementatie van de circulaire economie in de elektronica sector

Wat de barrières zijn voor circulaire bedrijfsmodellen en welke factoren deze modellen wel mogelijk maken

Onderzoek naar typen consumenten en hun voorkeuren voor E-waste recycling

Hoe economische prikkel in de vorm van een puntensysteem consumenten milieubewuster kan maken bij het weggooien van hun e-waste

Brandveiligheid bij afvalbedrijven in Nederland

Het in kaart brengen van mogelijke oorzaken van branden bij afvalbedrijven en gerelateerde patronen om de brandveiligheid te verbeteren

Update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen

Een update van de AEEA-inzamelpercentages en -doelen, aangevuld met nieuwe statistieken over ‘hamsteren’

Veilig ontworpen. Veilig te repareren.

Veiligheidsrisico’s bij zelf uitgevoerde reparaties van elektrische en elektronische apparaten

Afvalstatistieken – AEEA ingezameld in de EU in 2020

Statistieken over afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur ingezameld in de EU in 2020

Veilige en duurzame zonnepanelen

In deze verkenning heeft het RIVM onderzocht wat mogelijke ongewenste bijeffecten van zonnepanelen kunnen zijn

Selectieve goudterugwinning via poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan

Poreus poly(imine dioxime) membraan heeft de potentie om bij te dragen aan duurzame goudterugwinning voor elektrische en elektronische apparaten

Electronic waste recycling after floods in Jakarta and New Orleans

The potential benefits of recovering and recycling e-waste after floods, based on Jakarta and New Orleans

Potential effects of Dutch circular economy strategies on West Africa

The potential positive and negative effects of Dutch measures for a circular economy in low- and middle-income countries

EPR: role and responsibilities of municipalities and collection organizations

Rights and responsibilities of municipalities and their public collection organizations on the one hand and producers/importers on the other hand when implementing the EPR

Environmental impact and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals from e-waste

Assessment of the environmental impacts and health risks of potentially toxic metals from different activities related to e-waste processing

The circularity gap report: the Netherlands

What the gap is between total circularity and current circularity in the Netherlands and how it can be closed

E-waste in the ICT Sector

The large amount of e-waste generated by the ICT sector and how to deal with it worldwide

Gaining insight into Substances of Very High Concern in a circular economy

Insight into substances of very high concern in the circular economy, how they can be monitored and processed safely

Study on the implementation of product design requirements

How product design requirements are implemented in the EU based on the reusability of printer cartridges

Ultimate producer responsibility for e-waste management

Research into the adverse effects of exporting European used electronics and e-waste to Nigeria

Reuse: the understudied circular economy strategy

The amount of 'reuse' in Flanders, its impact and the barriers and opportunities for reuse

Returns in e-commerce

Market research into the returns challenge in e-commerce and how receptive online retailers are to possible government interventions

Evaluatie van de EU Richtlijn AEEA

Bepalen of de Richtlijn AEEA 2012 voldoende actueel is om de milieudoelstellingen te behalen

BKN thrift industry 2021

Research into the social and ecological impact of the thrift industry in 2021

Action monitoring circular economy 2022

An overview of the actions taken by the government and partners of the raw materials agreement for the transition to a circular economy

Recommendations for tackling fires caused by lithium batteries in WEEE

Research and recommendations for the prevention of fires caused by batteries and WEEE containing batteries

Roadmap for a circular photovoltaic industry

This roadmap describes the research and activities that will be carried out to achieve a circular industry for solar panels in the Netherlands.

ADR and collection of small equipment in modified IBCs

Wecycle has conducted research into a safer way to store and transport small appliances and ICT equipment.

Guidelines on the scope of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation

Tool for the implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation

Universally binding declaration for waste management contribution for WEEE

Notification of the universally binding declaration on the waste management contribution for WEEE

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for lamps

Notification of the universally binding declaration for waste management fee for lamps

Universally binding declaration for waste management fee for portable batteries 2018

Notification of the universally binding declaration for the waste management fee for portable batteries

Frequently Asked Questions on the WEEE Directive 2012

This document is intended to help competent public authorities and economic operators interpret the provisions of the WEEE Directive

Device or component?

This document explains when a component placed on the market does or does not fall under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation

Decree on extended producer responsibility regulations 2020

This decision contains rules for an extended producer responsibility regulation for the management of waste materials

Circular Economy Implementation Programme 2021-2023

This update gives an overview of circular economy developments and new activities that are being launched

Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods

The Consumer Goods Transition Agenda has been drawn up to realize a circular economy in the Netherlands in the future

Flowchart of WEEE and Cenelec

Tool to determine whether a (waste) electrical or electronic device must be processed according to Cenelec.

Brominated fire retardants in discarded electrical equipment

Limit values for brominated fire retardants, how to measure them and, above all, how to prevent the release of harmful brominated fire retardants

Recycling centres and the circular economy

How to increase the position and contribution of recycling centres to the transition to a circular economy

Submit your publication to the knowledge platform

Do you have a publication* that contributes to knowledge about the circular economy, electrical appliances or e-waste? Register it at the knowledge platform!

Submit publication

*Criteria apply. Read more about the submission criteria here.
